Over 2.6 million people have learned to STOP THE BLEED

You can, too! The American College of Surgeons STOP THE BLEED® program has prepared over 2.6 million people worldwide on how to stop bleeding in a severely injured person.

Take Our STOP THE BLEED Course


Through our STOP THE BLEED® course, you’ll gain the ability to recognize life-threatening bleeding and intervene effectively. The person next to a bleeding victim may be the one who’s most likely to save him or her. Take the course and become empowered to make a life or death difference when a bleeding emergency occurs. STOP THE BLEED®. Save a Life!


Improving Survivability

This brief video provides an overview of recommended response and bleeding control protocol in the event of a mass casualty event.


How to Use a Tourniquet

In this video, Lenworth M. Jacobs, Jr., MD, MPH, FACS, walks you through how to apply a tourniquet on a bleeding victim